Manage Your Account Home > 2024/25 Winter Competitive All-Stars/Rep U7-U18 Player RegistrationStep 1Personal InformationStep 2Programs and ProductsStep 3ConsentStep 4Payment IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that the online registration is fully automated and payment in full by either Credit Card or Debit Card (please select online payment) required to complete the registration. The online process is time & case sensitive and must be completed accordingly and immediately. If at any time you navigate away from the online form, the information you have entered may be lost and you will be required to start again. If you wish to register and pay by e-transfer (please select offline payment), cash (must be in person only to provide receipt) or cheque and/or visit our CB Club office located at Monarch Park Stadium - 1 Parkmount Road, Toronto ON M4J 4V4 (Coxwell and Danforth Avenue) behind Monarch Park Collegiate Visit our website at for office hours. To make online PayPal payment and to obtain Tax Receipt please go to Player Registration Account * Indicates Required FieldPlayer Information Are you a returning Player? Yes NoFirst Name *Last Name *Birthdate *Access Code(Only returning players need to enter the Access Code.) What's my Access Code? Email Address *Gender * Male FemaleAddress *City / Hometown *Province * Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Other Postal Code *Zip Code *Phone Number *Secondary Phone Number *League *2024/25 Boys Competitive Program2024/25 Girls Competitive ProgramIf you know what team you would like to be added to, please select the league (if applicable) and or team.Any Health Condition? * None Physical Developmental Dietary OtherDoes the player have any health conditions that we need to be aware of? Please describe its implications for proper first aid treatment or attention and write None or Not Applicable on the registration.Any Medical Condition? * None Asthma Diabetes Epilepsy OtherDoes the player have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of? Please describe its implications for proper first aid treatment or attention and write None or Not Applicable on the registration.Any Behavioural Issues? * None Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) High Functioning Autism (HFA) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Conduct Disorder (CD)/Bipolar Disorder (BD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) OtherDoes the player have any behavioural/mental issues that we need to be aware of? Please describe its implications for proper first aid treatment or attention and write None or Not Applicable on the registration.Any Special Needs (Details Below or N/A)? *Does the player have any special needs that we need to be aware of? Please describe its implications for proper first aid treatment or attention and write None or Not Applicable on the registration.Does the player have any of the above (Details Below or N/A)? *Please describe its implications for proper first aid treatment or attention and write None or Not Applicable on the registration. It's imperative that parent/players provide such pertinent information for benefit and protection of all playersParent/Guardian InformationParent/Guardian First NameParent/Guardian Last NameParent/Guardian Email AddressParent/Guardian Phone NumberParent/Guardian Secondary Phone NumberParent/Guardian 2 InformationParent/Guardian 2 First NameParent/Guardian 2 Last NameParent/Guardian 2 Email AddressParent/Guardian 2 Secondary Phone Number